If the department determines that a violation of sections 701-3 through 701-6, inclusive, of this chapter, exists upon private property or property owned by the
United States Government that is occupied, the director of the department or his or
her designee (hereinafter referred to as the "responsible party") may give a preliminary
notice to the owner or occupant of such property, either verbally or by posting the
notice on the property. Such preliminary notice shall state the nature of the alleged
violation, the action deemed necessary to correct the condition complained of and
fix a date not sooner than two (2) calendar weeks thereafter, when the property will
be reinspected to determine if compliance has been effected. If, upon reinspection,
it is determined that the violation has been corrected, the owner or occupant shall
not be liable for any charges by reason of the preliminary notice procedure.
(Code 1975, § 30-18; G.O. 10, 2010, § 8)
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